Table of Contents
When writing code in any programming language, you will need to account for situations where you need to decide on a path to take given the value of the variables at that point in time. Your program needs to compare values to each other to decide what code to run next. This is called logic.
Let's look at the comparison operators at our disposal in Java!
Equality Operator
The equality operator is the most basic of comparison operators. If the two values being tested are the same, the result will be true
, otherwise, the result will be false
To use this operator, use two equal signs:
JAVASystem.out.println(3 == 4);
System.out.println(6 == 6);
System.out.println(43 == 454);
Inequality Operator
The inequality operator is the exact opposite of the equality operator. If the two values being tested are the same, the result will be false
. Otherwise, if the values are different, the result will be true
To use this operator, use an exclamation point, followed by an equal sign.
JAVASystem.out.println(3 != 4);
System.out.println(6 != 6);
System.out.println(43 != 454);
Greater Than and Less Than Operators
You can check if one value is greater than or less than another using the greater than and less than operators.
This is how you use them:
JAVASystem.out.println(3 > 4);
System.out.println(6 < 6);
System.out.println(43 < 454);
Or Equal To Operators
In the case where you need to check either that the values are equal or that one is less than/greater than another value, there is a specific operator for just that.
This is how you can use the greater than or equal to operator and the less than or equal to operators:
JAVASystem.out.println(3 >= 4);
System.out.println(6 <= 6);
System.out.println(43 <= 454);
With the ability to return true
or false
now, we can now try and act on these values. We can do this by utilizing what are called conditionals.
Using if
is very simple. If the condition inside is true
then the code block will run. If it is false
, the code block will not run.
Let's say if you eat 3 burgers or more, you win a competition.
JAVAint burgersEaten = 4;
if (burgersEaten >= 3) {
System.out.println("You've won the competition!");
BASHYou've won the competition!
But watch what happens if you do not eat at least 3
JAVAint burgersEaten = 2;
if (burgersEaten >= 3) {
System.out.println("You've won the competition!");
Nothing was printed. That is because the condition inside the if
block resulted in false
. The code block was skipped entirely and thus the line to print it never executed.
With the else
keyword, you can run block of code if the accompanying if
condition returned false
Let's see how this looks in action:
JAVAint burgersEaten = 2;
if (burgersEaten >= 3) {
System.out.println("You've won the competition!");
} else {
System.out.println("You've lost the competition. :(");
BASHYou've lost the competition. :(
Simply put, the because the first if
returned false
, the first block of code was skipped, leaving the second block of code to run.
Now what if you wanted to have multiple code paths instead?
Else If
This is where else if
comes in to play. These keywords are sandwiched after an if
and before the else
JAVAint burgersEaten = 2;
if (burgersEaten >= 3) {
System.out.println("You've won the competition!");
} else if (burgersEaten == 2) {
System.out.println("You almost won the competition!");
} else if (burgersEaten == 1) {
System.out.println("You gave it a good try!");
} else {
System.out.println("You didn't come close. :(");
BASHYou almost won the competition!
When you use if
and else if
, the first block of code where the condition is true
will run, and the rest will be ignored entirely, so order does matter!
Ternary Operator
The ternary operator is a shorthand way to represent an if/else
block. It checks a condition and if true
, returns the left side, otherwise it will return the right side.
JAVAint number = 45;
boolean isEven = number % 2 == 0 ? true : false;
System.out.println("isEven: " + isEven);
Ternary operators are really useful for when you want to condense an entire conditional into a single line.
Switch Statement
You can use a switch statement whenever you want to check for many different possible values of something, and run code if there is a match. They are similar to using else if
except they can sometimes be more concise and cleaner.
Let's look at one:
JAVAint number = 4;
switch (number) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
The basic syntax is simple. You put what you want to switch on after the switch
keyword, then you list all your cases below. If there is a match, the code inside will be executed. Once there is a match, the break
ensures that once the block of code is run, no more checks are performed.
Logical Operators
So far we have seen how to check a single condition and then do something with the result. In the real world, you will often times need to combine the results of multiple conditions before you can make your decision.
To combine the results of more than one condition, you will need to use a logical operator.
And (&&)
The and operator, will only result in true
if both conditions are true
JAVAboolean isCold = true;
boolean hasJacket = true;
if (isCold && hasJacket) {
System.out.println("I will put on my jacket since I am cold!");
BASHI will put on my jacket since I am cold!
Since both of the conditions were true
, the code block executed.
Or (||)
Sometimes you don't need both conditions to be true
and instead are okay with just one of the two being true
. This is where the or logical operator comes in to play.
JAVAboolean thereAreTacos = true;
boolean thereIsPizza = false;
if (thereAreTacos || thereIsPizza) {
System.out.println("I'm glad there's good food here!");
BASHI'm glad there's good food here!
Even though in this case there was no pizza in the house, because there were still tacos, the print statement executed and you were very happy as a result. ❤️🌮🍕
Not (!)
The last logical operator we'll take a look at is the not operator. This is used when you simply want to negate the value of the condition.
Let's look at an example:
JAVAboolean thereAreTacos = false;
boolean thereIsPizza = false;
boolean thereIsGoodFood = thereAreTacos || thereIsPizza;
if (!thereIsGoodFood) {
System.out.println("There is no good food here :(");
BASHThere is no good food here :(
In this case, there were neither tacos nor pizza. That made thereIsGoodFood
to be false
. However, since we used the not operator to negate it, the entire condition was true
and we were able to get the print statement to execute!
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