Directories in a file system are just as important as files, and Python makes working with both pretty easy using the os module.

Creating a new Directory

You can create a new directory using the mkdir function, which is short for "make directory":

import os os.mkdir("new_folder")

Your new folder has been created!

Getting your Current Working Directory

Just like when you're using the command line, sometimes you just want to know what directory you are currently working off of so you know how to get to where you want to go.

There is a function you can run to print that out for you, the getcwd() function which stands for "get current working directory".

import os print(os.getcwd())

Easy enough!

Changing your Current Working Directory

Now that you know where you are, you might want to change it to work from another directory. You can do this using the chdir() function which stands for "change directory":

import os print(os.getcwd()) os.chdir("C:\\Users\\") print(os.getcwd())
C:\Users\Sabe\Desktop C:\Users

Deleting a Directory

You can delete a directory using the rmdir() function, which stands for "remove directory", and passing in the path to the directory you want removed:

import os os.rmdir("test")

There goes the test directory!

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