How to Navigate using History Push in React Router

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to Navigate using History Push in React Router

One of the best parts about single-page applications is the fact that navigation does not trigger an entire page refresh in the browser.

When you use React, you can trigger navigation programmatically using the history object.

In this post, we'll learn how you can navigate programmatically in React.

The most popular library to handle routing is react-router-dom. This is the router that is written by the same team that wrote React.

This library will allow you to navigate programmatically in React by attaching the history object as a property which allows you to call it from within your React component.

The history.push function takes in the path you want to navigate to, and then and state that you want to pass along.

Let's look at an example of how to use this method in React:

this.props.history.push("/about", { name: "John Doe" });

Let's look at an example in a full React component:

import React from "react"; import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; class ExampleComponent extends React.Component { exampleFunction() { this.props.history.push("/about"); } } const ExampleComponentWithRouter = withRouter(ExampleComponent);

This component contains a function that will navigate to the /about route when called.

The wrapping of the component with withRouter will allow you to access the history object.


In this post, we saw how to use the history object to navigate programmatically in React by using react-router-dom.

Simply wrap your component with withRouter and you can access the history object to use the push function.

Thanks for reading and hope this helps!

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