How to Square a Number in JavaScript

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to Square a Number in JavaScript

In this post, we'll go over the three best ways to square a number in JavaScript.

A square number is a number that results from taking a number and multiplying it by itself.

For various reasons, you'll want to know how to square a number in JavaScript.


The best way to square a number is to use the Math.pow() function.

This function is used to take a number and raise it to a power. When it comes to squaring a number, the power is always equal to 2.

Here's an example of squaring the number 5:

console.log(Math.pow(5, 2)); // 25

In general, you can use the Math.pow() function to square any number by setting the exponent to 2.

Exponentiation Operator

Another easy way to square a number is to use the exponentiation operator. The exponentiation operator is the ** symbol.

Here's how to use the exponentiation operator to square the number 5:

console.log(5 ** 2); // 25

This operator takes two numbers and returns the first number raised to the power of the second number.

Helper function

Finally, the last way to square a number is to create a helper function that squares a number that you pass in.

Here's a function that squares a number:

const square = (number) => number ** 2;

Now you can use this helper function:

console.log(square(5)); // 25


In this post, we explored the three best ways to square a number in JavaScript, using the Math.pow(), **, and a custom helper square() function.

Hopefully, you found this post helpful and informative.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!

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