How to get Pi in Python

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to get Pi in Python

Python is a very popular programming language when it comes to arithmetic and math.

The number pi is a very important number in mathematics, due to its wide application and significance.

With that being said, it is very common to need the value of pi when you are working in Python.

In this post, we'll learn the best ways to get the value of pi in Python.

Using math.pi

Perhaps the easiest way to get the value of pi in Python is to use the math module.

This module has numerous functions that can be used to perform mathematical operations.

Let's use the pi() function to get the value of pi:

import math pi = math.pi print(pi)

From here, you can now use the pi variable to perform math operations.

Using numpy

Another way to get the value of pi in Python is to use the numpy module.

Here's an example:

import numpy pi = numpy.pi print(pi)

Using scipy

Alternatively, you can use the scipy module to get the value of pi.

import scipy pi = scipy.pi print(pi)

Using math.radians

The last way to get the value of pi in Python is to use the math.radians() function.

This is useful for when you're already working in radians or dealing with angles.

Here's how you convert 180 degrees to radians:

import math degrees = 180 radians = math.radians(degrees) print(radians)


In this post, we looked at four different ways to get the value of pi in Python.

Any one of these ways work, just pick the one that works for you.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!

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