How to Define a Null Variable in Python

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to Define a Null Variable in Python

In programming, variables are used to store values of different types.

There is, however, a type that is special in that it is used to store nothing.

That value is called null.

In this post, we'll learn how to define a null variable in Python.

How to define a null variable

As mentioned before, null is a type used to mean nothing, or no value.

You can use this to define a variable without actually giving it a value.

Let's see how this is done in Python.

variable = None print(variable)

This is useful for when you want to refer to a variable that has not been assigned a value yet, or to create a variable and then assign it a value later.


In this post, we learned how to define a variable in Python and assign it a null value.

Simply set the value of a variable to None to define a null variable.

Thanks for reading!

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