How to Create an Empty File in Python

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to Create an Empty File in Python

Because Python is a server-side language, it is very easy to perform file operations.

One of the most common operations is to create an empty file in a folder.

In this post, we will learn how to create an empty file in Python.

How to create an empty file in Python

The easiest way to create an empty file in Python is to use the open() function.

This function takes a path to the file as the first argument and the mode as the second argument.

First, let's define the path:

path = "example.txt"

Then, we can use the open() function to create an empty file.

However, since we do not plan on writing anything to it, we can immediately close the file.

path = "example.txt" open(path, "a").close()

We are passing the a mode to the open() function, which stands for append.

Here are all the modes that can be used with the open() function:

  • r - Read
  • w - Write
  • a - Append
  • x - Create
  • t - Text
  • b - Binary
  • + - Update

We are using the a mode because it will create the file if it does not exist.

However, if you want to instead clear the contents of the file, you can use the w mode.

path = "example.txt" open(path, "w").close()

If you want to be safer when performing file system operations, you can wrap the entire thing inside of a try block.

path = "example.txt" try: open(path, "a").close() except: print("An error occurred") else: print("File created successfully")

This code will allow you to know if the file was created successfully or not, which is useful in the case that you want to gracefully handle errors.


In this post we learned how to create an empty file in Python.

Simply use the open() function to create an empty file and pass in the mode that works best for your use case.

Thanks for reading!

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