How to use the String match method

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to use the String match method

Regular expressions are used to match patterns in strings and use it to extract parts of it out.

When we have a string and regular expression, we can use the match method to extract the matches of the regular expression.

In this post, we'll look at examples of how to use the match method in JavaScript.

How to use the match method

As mentioned before, when you have a string and regular expression, the match method can be used to get back the matches.

Let's say you want to get all exact matches:

const string = "Hello 123456789 World"; const regex = /Hello/; const matches = string.match(regex); console.log(matches);

If you want to match numbers:

const string = "Hello 123456789 World"; const regex = /\d+/; const matches = string.match(regex); console.log(matches);

If you want to match several exact matches:

const string = "Hello 123456789 World"; const regex = /(Hello|World)/g; const matches = string.match(regex); console.log(matches);
["Hello", "World"]

Hopefully by now you've gotten the point that you can just pass in your regular expression and get back all the valid matches.


In this post, we looked at examples of how to use the match method in JavaScript.

Simply use the match method on your desired string and regular expression to get back the valid matches.

Thanks for reading!

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