How to Check if Checkbox is Checked using JavaScript

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to Check if Checkbox is Checked using JavaScript

Forms are an important part of the modern web, and that includes the use of checkboxes.

Checkboxes are used to allow the user to select and unselect an option, and are popular for things like license agreements and multi-select lists.

With that said, needing to know the state of the checkbox in JavaScript is a common requirement.

In this post, we'll learn how to check the state of a checkbox in JavaScript.

Check the state of a checkbox in JavaScript

To start, let's use the following checkbox in our HTML:

<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" />

First, we need to query for it in JavaScript.

const checkbox = document.querySelector(".checkbox");

From there, we can check the state of the checkbox. To do this, use the checked property:

const checkbox = document.querySelector(".checkbox"); const isChecked = checkbox.checked;

Alternatively, you can use the :checked CSS selector:

const isChecked = document.querySelector(".checkbox:checked") !== null;

This works because the browser will automatically add the :checked selector to the element if it is checked, and so we can query for it.


In this post, we learned how to check the state of a checkbox in JavaScript.

As mentioned before, this is a common requirement as checkboxes are so common on the web.

Hopefully, this post has helped you! Happy coding!

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