How to Create a Multi-line Textbox in HTML

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to Create a Multi-line Textbox in HTML

We know that we can create input types that allow single lines of text input, but sometimes we want to allow multiple lines of text input.

Thankfully, the web already has a built-in way to create multi-line text input fields.

In this post, we'll learn how to create a multi-line text input field in HTML.

How to create multi-line text boxes in HTML

To create a multi-line text input field in HTML, we need to use the <textarea> tag.

This tag will create a box that allows multiple lines of text input, as desired:

  • HTML

You can adjust how many columns and rows are allowed in this box by applying the cols and rows attributes to the <textarea> tag.

<textarea cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
  • HTML

Now, this textarea supports 30 columns and 10 rows.


In this post, we learned how to create a multi-line text input field in HTML.

Simply use the <textarea> tag and optionally apply cols and rows attributes to it to control the number of columns and rows allowed in the textarea.

Thanks for reading!

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