How to Remove a Substring from a String in JavaScript

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to Remove a Substring from a String in JavaScript

Sometimes when you are working with strings, you want to remove a substring from one of them.

This is because the string might contain some characters or be in a format that you want to change.

Either way, in this post, we'll learn how to remove a substring from a string using JavaScript.

How to remove a substring from a string in JavaScript

First, let's start with an example string:

const string = "Hello World";

Let's say that you want to remove the word World from the string.

The easiest way to accomplish this is by using the built-in replace() method.

const string = "Hello World"; const newString = string.replace("World", ""); console.log(newString);

The replace() method only removes the first occurrence of the substring.

If you want to remove all occurrences of the substring, you can use the replaceAll() method.

const string = "Hello World World"; const newString = string.replaceAll("World", ""); console.log(newString);

Keep in mind that both the replace and replaceAll methods also accept regular expressions to match against, which can be useful when you have more specific needs.

Here's an example of using regex instead of a substring:

const string = "Hello World World"; const newString = string.replaceAll(/World/g, ""); console.log(newString);


In this post, we learned how to remove a substring from a string using JavaScript.

Simply use the replace() or replaceAll() methods to remove a substring from a string, and pass it either your exact substring or a regular expression to match against.

Thanks for reading!

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