How to Change Img Src using JavaScript

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to Change Img Src using JavaScript

The cool thing about JavaScript is that you can use it to programmatically alter the DOM.

This includes the ability to change an image's src attribute to a new value, allowing you to change the image being loaded.

In this post, we will learn how we can use JavaScript to change the src attribute of an image.

Chaning an Image's src Attribute

Let's assume this is our DOM:

<img src="cat.png" class="image" />

The first step is to query the DOM for this image. We can do this by using the querySelector() method.

const image = document.querySelector(".image");

Now that we have our element, we can change the src attribute of the image.

const image = document.querySelector(".image"); image.src = "dog.png";

This turns the DOM into this:

<img src="dog.png" class="image" />

On Load

Sometimes, you want to run some code after the image has loaded. Thankfully, this is easily accomplished by simply adding an event listener to the image.

const image = document.querySelector(".image"); image.addEventListener("load", () => { console.log("The image has loaded!"); });

Now, when the image has loaded, the function will execute, printing to the console. You can do whatever you want, including changing the src attribute of the image to another image.


In this post, we've seen how we can use JavaScript to change the src attribute of an image.

If you want, you can also run some code after the image has loaded.

Hopefully, you've enjoyed this post, thanks for reading!

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