How to Push all Branches to Remote in Git

Updated onbyAlan Morel
How to Push all Branches to Remote in Git

The beauty of Git and a large reason why it is so popular is because of the ability to work on many different versions of the same code at the same time.

That's what branches essentially are, different versions of the same codebase. When you have different branches, all with work on them, you might want to push all of them individually to a remote repository.

While you could go through each branch one by one and push them individually, you can instead push all of them at once.

In this post, we'll learn how you can push all of your branches to a remote repository using one command.

Pushing all local branches to a remote repository

Before you do this, you'll want to ensure that you indeed want to push all of your local branches to a remote repository.

If you're not sure, you can always check the status of your local branches by running the following command:

git status

Once you've done that, make sure you've committed all of your changes to all the branches you want to push.

Finally, once you are ready, you can run this command to push all branches to your remote repository:

git push --all origin

This is essentially the same git push command you're familiar with, but with the --all flag added.

This flag is what tells Git to push all of your branches instead of just the one you're currently working on.

Then the origin is the remote repository you want to push to.

If yours is not origin, you can specify the remote repository that you want instead.


In this post, we learned how you can use a single command in Git to push all the local branches you have to your specified remote repository.

This is useful in the cases you want to push all your branches but don't want to do them one by one.

Hopefully, you've found this useful. Thanks for reading!

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