How to Stop All Docker Containers

How to Stop All Docker Containers

Docker is a complex technology that has so many different features. Sometimes, you just need to know how to do something very basic.

In this post, we'll learn how to stop all Docker containers, how to remove all Docker containers, and how to remove all Docker images.

How to stop all Docker Containers

To stop all running Docker containers, use Docker's ps command with Docker's kill command:

docker kill $(docker ps -q)

When you use docker ps, you can see all of the running containers. Since we only need their IDs, we can use the -q option, or --quiet. Now we can just pass these IDs to docker kill to stop all of the containers.

How to remove all Docker Containers

To remove all Docker containers, use Docker's ps command with Docker's rm command:

docker rm $(docker ps -q -a)

Similar to before, we can use docker ps -q to get all the IDs. However, we can also use -a to get all the containers, including those that are running. Now we can just pass these IDs to docker rm to remove all of the containers.

How to remove all Docker Images

To remove all Docker images, use Docker's images command with Docker's rmi command:

docker rmi $(docker images -q)

This time, we are using the docker images -q command to get all the IDs of our images. Now we can just pass these IDs to docker rmi to remove all of the images.


Hopefully, this post has helped you get a better understanding of how to stop, and remove all Docker containers and images.

Thanks for reading!


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